Mula Integrative Health & Wellness950 N. Main Street, Suite 204 | Keller, Texas 76248817-223-4151
The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The clinicians at Mula Integrative Health & Wellness have the privilege of helping people address the root cause of specific health challenges, but they are not a medical doctor and therefore they cannot and do not prescribe or advise on the use of drugs. Instead, they use herbs, spices, diet, lifestyle interventions, biohacks, detoxification therapies, and Ayurvedic treatments to naturally and effectively rejuvenate the mind and body, prevent illness, and manage disease. Please consult with a qualified medical provider before adopting any change to your medications or health regimen. Mula Integrative Health & Wellness, Copyright 2024-2025