Business services


Dr. Trisha spent over 20 years working in conventional healthcare, serving in a variety of roles ranging from a bedside nurse and quality professional to technology executive and management consulting advisor. Her career encompasses guiding Fortune 500 healthcare companies, health systems, health insurers, and ambulatory clinics through technology investments, tech-enabled care, clinical strategy, and business transformation. 

Being an advocate for integrating traditional and complementary medicine into mainstream business models, Dr. Trisha provides strategic advisory services to healthcare organizations on wide range of topics, such as:

Health Equity & SDOH

Care Model Design

Food as Medicine

Patient Flow & Throughput

Quality & Safety

Clinical Variation Reduction

Tech-enabled Care

Care Management

Clinical Data Analytics

Clinical Technology Strategy

Digital Care

Clinical Workflow Automation

High Reliability & Performance Improvement

Operations Excellence

workplace wellness

Foster effective teamwork, and collaboration using Ayurvedic mind-body principles. Our workplace wellness services help colleagues learn and appreciate the true nature of themselves, and each other. 

~ Team building workshops help employees strengthen their communication, trust, and problem solving skills. Our Stress Solutions workshops equip employees with the essential tools and knowledge to effectively prevent, reduce, and manage stress. 

~ Overnight leadership events at our mountain retreat leverage a customized team building, professional development, and mind-body wellness agenda to forge lasting bonds that benefit the person, team, and organization.

“I don’t like to give advice. I like to give people information because everyone’s life is different, and everyone’s journey is different.” 

Dolly Parton

Contact us today to learn more or get in touch!